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Feeding the Fish

Fun Fact about the Neubees: We can't help but count all the animals we see. Growing up, a typical evening with Grandma Betty included going to the park and counting all the deer we saw. And then going home and telling everyone "We saw 18 deer at the park today!" At the Neubees St. Louis home, there is a small pond with fish, frogs, and the occasional turtle. Boyfriend Neubee is often amused to find Mama, Papa, and Baby Neubee crowded around the kitchen window counting how many frogs are out. We can't help it.

With Basecamp we get to count so many things! Turtles are a popular one but catfish are moms favorite.

Almost as soon as Mama arrives at Basecamp, she throws a handful of fishfood in and she keeps the food coming about every half hour the entire time shes there. I know, those things are spoiled.

If you were wondering, there's 6.

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